To accept this award I am required to tell you all seven things about myself that no one knows. I have been wracking my brain trying to decide what to say. I'm still not sure what I can say, but here goes...
1. I grew up in a house that was next-door to the house in which my father grew up. My grandmother lived there until I was 10. Then she moved a few miles away. I grew up in the Phoenix/Metro area without air conditioning! Yup, no a/c! We had an evaporative cooler, but during the summer monsoon it was little to no help. My husband teases me that I married him just to get air conditioning, but my parents had a/c installed in their house during the winter before we got married. I was never living in the house when it was functional!
2. I have played several instruments throughout my life. I played the piano first, the alto saxophone in elementary school, the oboe in junior high, singing in the choir in high school, and the cello in college. I was even a councilor at band camp for two summers. It was pretty fun!
3. I was on the pom line in high school. I managed to get some kind of injury every week. I was hit in the head with something from the stands one week. (Scalps bleed a lot.) Another week I fell getting onto the bus after an away game. (Shins bleed a lot.) Then there was the dislocated thumb after the jump splits. (Twenty years later and it still looks funny.) Fortunately for me, our sponsor was the school nurse. (She really was!)
4. I participated in musical theater productions in college. During one performance of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (with my future husband in the audience) I suffered a PG wardrobe malfunction during the "Spring Dance" scene. After a quick change of costumes, my zipper got stuck and refused to go either up or down. My dresser found a giant safety pin to secure the top of the dress and my partner and I went out to do the dance. The stage manager even tried to tape the hole closed in the middle of the dance. You could feel the tension in the audience building as the dance progressed, but we got the biggest round of applause when the dance finally ended. (I still wish I had thought to throw some of the set decoration straw in my hair and into the hair of my partner to "explain" our tardiness. That would have been funny.)
5. I was born on my uncle's birthday, and when I was pregnant with my son, he was due on my birthday too. He was born 11 days early so our birthdays are not the same! One of my church friends was due on that day too. Her son was one day late so our boys' birthdays are 12 days apart. Then the next time we were pregnant, we were due 5 days apart. We totally didn't plan that!
6. I have my own candy business called "Sugarthumbs." I LOVE to make candy, but I never want to eat it after I have put so much work into making it. I guess that is probably a good thing. I have filled orders for major holidays and for special occasions such as birthday parties and business celebrations.
7. The man that was my sixth grade teacher was later my principal years later after I became a teacher. The gal that was my fifth grade teacher was in all of the classes for my Master's Degree. She seemed a little surprised when she walked into class on the first day to find me sitting there. We had a great time!
I am presenting a "Lovely Blog Award" to the following completely wonderful blogs:
Stop by and check them out!
I am linking this up to Alphabe-Thursday! Come and check out all of the fun. Use the button below!

The pom pom story is cracking me up. I love reading your blog, see not creepy sounding:>, and you always make me laugh. Thanks for giving me this award:>
Stopping by to say thanks for visiting my blog! And you do have a lovely blog, loved reading the stories about you :)
Thanks for the award and for the laugh at some of your very interesting 7 things!
I'm so glad you stopped by because I am enjoying getting to know a few things about you. I share with you growing up without AC, and I can remember nights when I pressed my nose against the screen hoping to find some air.
Congrats on your blog award. Looks to me like you deserve it!
Great post, every interesting. I should do some posts like this. Thanks for coming over to visit our blog.
Thanks for stopping by. I love a good beauty pageant.
Congratulations on the award! I had to smile when I read that you played oboe in junior high. I don't meet many other people that have played oboe.
Congratulations on your award. Thanks for sharing all those facts about yourself. I think those kind of things are always hard. You did a great job.
My two oldest children were born on the same day two years apart! I went into labor during my daughter's second birthday party!
Aha! Maybe that's the trick. I think I need to start a candy biz so I quit craving sweets.
Cute link. Congratulations on your award!
Thanks for linking.
awwww, thanks for the award and sweet encouragement. i have been on vacation so i just saw this. i will definitely get to this once we are back home.
I know this is old news, but I am so glad that you got this, SO fun!~!! And I LOVED reading your 7 things!!! You crack me up!!!! I miss chatting with you!!! Almost done here! Can't wait to chat again!!!
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