My daughter was invited to a birthday party yesterday. It was a superhero party. The invitation instructed attendees to dress as their favorite superhero. There really was no contest. My four-year-old daughter was going to be Ironman. There had to be a mask. That was a must. She also wanted eyelashes and sparkles. Hmmmmm......Eyelashes and sparkles. How about this...
Red tinsel eyelashes - just what Ironman needs. Don't you think? |
Tough with a touch of femininity!
Profile! Look at that smile! |
She was so excited!
Pair the awesome mask with a pre-printed Ironman t-shirt and you are cooking! |
She looked so CUTE! The mask didn't last long on her face. (The party had a bounce house after all.) I also must add that I think Tony Stark would approve of the pink tennis shoes. She fit right in with all the other superheroes at the park. Our neighborhood is definitely safer with all these super kids living so close to us!
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